• Wapsie Valley Bourbon

    Wapsie Valley Bourbon

    375 ML

    Heirloom farm-to-bottle bourbon, using no genetically modified corns and the Wapsie Valley Corn varietal, plus a little bit of Malted Rye and Barley.

    This varietal of corn is a rich yellow corn and was used to breed the Baby Jane corn as the mother because of its sweet qualities.

    Distilled in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

    TASTING Notes
    • Nose: Almond, Maple, Chocolate
    • Taste: Pralines, Orange, Bergamot
    • Finish: Honey, Nutmeg


  • Bloody Butcher

    Bloody Butcher

    375 ML

    Heirloom farm-to-bottle bourbon, using no genetically modified corns and the Bloody Butcher Corn varietal, plus a little bit of Malted Rye and Barley.

    This varietal of corn is a dark red corn and was used to breed the Baby Jane corn as the father because of its savory qualities.

    Distilled in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

    TASTING Notes
    • Nose: Sweet Oak & Graham Cracker
    • Taste: Vanilla, Dry up Front, Bright, Allspice
    • Finish: Tannic, Sharp, Tobacco, Molasses, Oak


  • New York State Grain

    New York State Grain

    375 ML

    While we love working with Indian heirloom corns we don't knock the tradition of making bourbon with classic yellow corn. So we worked with our farmers in the Hudson Valley to grow us some non-GMO yellow corn and we honored it by making some delicious small batch bourbon.

    This all-around accessible bourbon is one of our absolute favorites in our collection.

    TASTING Notes
    • Nose: Pecan, Toasted Maplewood.
    • Taste: Cardamom, Raisin, Clove.
    • Finish: Bread Pudding, Cream, Spiced Molasses.
